Understanding Liquidity Concepts
Identifying Historically Key Levels
Utilising Unique Candlestick Methodology
Anticipating High Probability Trade Setups
Careful Laddering of Max Allocation
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Dear Trader,

I go by Ghost online.


If you’re reading this then my guess is that you’re interested in learning more about me…


So to start, here’s an up to date picture of myself 👇




12 years ago almost to date…


I left my home in Perth, Western Australia, at 16, to escape a turbulent environment that involved a family of addicts, including myself, each with our own vice & some bad crowds I was involved with that were not headed down a very good path, at all.


I hopped on a plane, with a few hundred dollars in my bank account after purchasing my ticket and headed to Sydney, to meet an online friend of mine, my age, who’s parents had agreed I could crash at theirs while I establish myself, on my own.


To put it lightly, I was absolutely shitting my pants 😂


I had never been to Sydney before, nor ever been on my own before, and only had a Certificate III & IV with ZERO work history that I hoped would be enough to start a career in IT.


I was fortunate enough to find a job in IT Support within the first 2 weeks of landing in Sydney, and thus my life began, with the feeling of the weight of the world on my shoulders.


I don’t think I have ever felt as scared or helpless as I did in those first few months of supporting myself, paying rent, managing bills, getting myself to work while having next to no friends.


… but it definitely built a level of resilience in me as a young man that I would use later on in future endeavours, like business & trading.




After about a year and a half of working and supporting myself on my own, I had once again found myself in a bad crowd, once again getting back into drugs and not really having much of a plan or interest in my future.


I lived for today, for short-term satisfaction and had as mentioned above, no long-term vision…


That was until I met my partner, Georgia.


This girl came into my life at a time where I was $3,000 in debt from poor money management, had very little regard for my health and no real motivation to change.


I’ll never forget the 3rd day she had been at an apartment where I rented a makeshift room in the living area and asked her…


“so what are you living here now or something?”


To which she replied..


“All my stuff is in the car”


From that moment onwards, we have been one person now for almost 10 years.


For someone who had practically been abandoned, ignored or disregarded by anyone connected to him by blood since a child, this was the spark I needed to stop acting like a little boy, and begin my journey towards being a man that actually took life serious.






It was at this point in my life I realised that a career in IT was not going to keep me motivated, fundamentally nor financially, and I decided to move into Sales in the hopes of establishing a good enough skillset to earn a really good income.


The first company I worked for, to put it bluntly, was a borderline, illegal scam.


They paid their staff under minimum wage and compensated it by having rewarding commission structures for their products.


The products we sold were events, crafted by them across different industries and unfortunately for me, I got stuck on the worst performing event they had created in years.


The silver lining was, my manager, who took a liking to me, put an incredible amount of effort into me. He was a member of their team who they considered to be the best salesman in the office, who taught me and mentored me on everything he knows.


Now the fact we did not sell anything was irrelevant.

I learnt how to speak with confidence, pre-qualify leads, assess client needs, tie value back into products and services and so much more, even down to the psychology behind tonality, pausing, mirroring and so on.


It wasn’t long before it became obvious to me that the luck of being placed on this bad event, was going to see me fail the probationary period and I quickly began looking for alternate opportunities.


This led me to becoming a sales rep at one of Australia’s largest domain registrars, who also sold website & marketing plans.


This is where everything really changed for me, and set me on a course for success.


Quickly I became in their words “their best ever rookie salesman” and was projected to make $115,000 in my first year.


… only I didn’t make it a full year.


Five months in I started to see the negative effects their outsourced services were having on Australian businesses, to a point where one client was telling me she couldn’t afford her mortgage as she trusted the marketing would yield at least a breakeven, which it did not.






So I made the decision to leave this lucrative job, and almost guaranteed success at 19 to start my own Web Design & Marketing business believing I could have a better impact than they were.


Which is where things got hard to say the least.


When I left, I left oddly enough, with almost the exact same amount of money I had when I first came to Sydney at 16.

My money management awareness was still zero but my ambition was high, so I threw caution to the wind and just went for it.


For the next two years I self-taught myself how to build websites that actually converted traffic into sales, how to run compelling advertising campaigns on Google, Facebook, & YouTube as well as master the art of influential copy-writing.



It was during this time that me and my partner really struggled financially.


I couldn’t charge much while I was building a resume of clients I had helped grow and Georgia had to supplement us at times working jobs she hated, which as a man, made me feel like a failure.


At one point we relocated from Sydney, to Melbourne as we just could not afford to live here anymore and genuinely had no other options, which put a lot of strain on our relationship.


During this time I reached a boiling point of stress, adversity and psychological self-doubt…


It was 12AM, our bank accounts were in overdrawn, we weren’t sure if we were going to be able to continue to sustain ourselves and I was considering just throwing in the towel.


If I’m being honest, I was having a bit of a breakdown, in tears, feeling like a victim of the world, and felt like I needed to go get a job and forget the dream of entrepreneurship.



“Georgia, I think I need to pack this in, and go get a job, so we’re more stable and I don’t waste anymore time on something that’s not going anywhere”



I said this to her, and I meant it.


I was at the end of my road, in my mind, and that’s the key here…


It was only my perception of a situation in my mind from my own lack of action.


Life is funny in this way, our minds perception of our ability, our situation and what we think is possible is genuinely the most limiting element of what makes us human.



“Josh, you can’t give up on this, you can’t work for someone else, you’re great a building websites and great at marketing, you just need more clients, I believe you can do it if you just keep trying.”



This genuine belief from her, more belief than I had in myself, is potentially the only reason why I am where I am today – so a picked myself up out of the pathetic mentality I was in, and kept going.


Within two weeks I had signed on three additional clients, solved our financial stresses and oddly enough received a random phone call from a soon to be client that would end up being my biggest success story to date.


We decided to move back to Sydney, as for the first time in my entrepreneurial journey I actually realised what real belief, hard work & grinding day in day out, can really do for you.






When we got back to Sydney, I began working with a client that had created Australia’s first dry dog food with hemp seed oil infused in the formula.


The company is called Pet Food Australia and they were near closing down after being unable to get any traction going through some of the biggest marketing companies in Australia & some overseas.


I discussed with them the opportunity I saw if we could push the product on Facebook & redo the website with more social proof, better copywriting, design & sales optimisation and structure.


After 18 months of tirelessly improving every day, every week on their marketing campaigns as well as developing the website, all by myself, we had grossed $3,500,000+ in sales and acquired close to 20,000 customers – to which I was heavily compensated for doing.


This was the first time in my life where I was genuinely quite beside myself at the money I was making, the business was doing $350,000 a year… but I was losing passion for the work & my creative ability was suffering because of it.


I became quite desperate as I found myself unable to assist new clients in building their websites, I had burnt myself out from all the years of stress and grinding and a lack of knowledge on how to scale a business efficiently.


I started taking my interest in trading more seriously, especially with the hype of the Cryptocurrency market building in 2020…


This is where things got crazy.




I’m only really comfortable talking about this history of mine, as I know it will have a positive and inspirational impact on those on the same path I was earlier on in life, whether you’re younger than I was, or older, it doesn’t matter.


… and I’m only really comfortable sharing this withdrawal history during this time from Coinspot because it’s from years ago.


These days I am a very private person, I have had some scary experiences with threats against my life when I was far too public, fresh in the moment, during this time and will not ever be making similar mistakes like that again.


Above you will see withdrawals totalling well over $2,000,000+ during one of the most insane times of my life to date.


It was the height of the Cryptocurrency bull run of 2020 to 2021 and I had found myself with an edge against the masses in the meme coin section of the market.


The experience I had built in web design and marketing really showed me a different side to these projects that were essentially just pump and dump scams launching out of thin air.


Where most people looked at them an speculated with hope, I speculated with a formula.


My formula was to assess the source code of the projects website, review their marketing and branding effort as well as their tonality in their voice and text in the communities they created.


What I had figured out is that even if it was going to be a scam, the more effort they had put into these fundamental components of garnering awareness over their project, the less likely it was that it would be an instant scam.


Now don’t get me wrong, this is still all incredibly degenerate behaviour and not something I would ever do again.


I have spent far too many years developing the right psychology and execution for legitimate markets to go and dumpster it all recreating bad habits of what is essentially gambling in Crypto.



Now like many people, maybe even you reading this…


I thought when I had “made it” that I would be in a perpetual state of happiness.


I was buying expensive clothes, expensive cars, expensive watches, this list goes on…


I once again threw health and discipline to the curb and fell back into drugs, my ego ran wild thinking I was better than everyone else, I spent next to no time with my partner or my dogs, I was just living for myself.


At least initially, this was the case.


As time went on I found myself increasing the amount of drugs I was consuming, finding no satisfaction in many other aspects of my life, I’d lost interest in cars, luxury items, and began to not really like who I was becoming.


I was spending so much time and energy on justifying to myself that I was living how I wanted to live, when really I was just a victim of my own ego and substance abuse.


I remember a point where I was looking at myself in the mirror, literally skin and bone, huge dark patches under my eyes, and started to realise that I was lost.


It was an incredibly strange feeling having grinded for many years to get to this point, only to feel empty and disappointed in myself.






I mean take a look at me here…


I don’t even have an expression on my face, literally just spending money to spend money because I thought that would make me happy.


I might be harping on about this but I genuinely am passionate about helping people realise that the crap you see influencers posting, buying, promoting, is garbage.


It’s all short-term satisfaction that you will eventually get bored of and want the “next thing” – every single time.


As I began to realise all of this, I not only shifted my attention from Cryptocurrency into the Forex market to develop my own strategy in a more stable and less volatile market…


I began to dedicate myself to bettering myself, controlling ego, focusing on family over material and discovering what life really is all about.


Take it from someone who has genuinely been there and done that, it’s all an absolute waste of time and energy.


People will look at you like an object, you’ll be surrounded by frauds and fake people, it won’t make you happy in the long-term and you’ll find yourself competing with the world to “be something”.


The secret is, you already are something, to everyone around you, to your partner, your mum, your dad, your sister, your brother, your kids.


When push comes to shove, the only thing that’s going to provide you long-term satisfaction, is the people you have around you, that have your back and you have theirs.


That’s it.


No amount of money, materials, cars, watches, clothes, or any of that shit is going to sustain you if you’re a genuine person – which is what we should all be striving to be everyday.


The funny thing about trading is, without humility, without ego control and without a good relationship with money, you will never, ever, ever, get anywhere with it.


You have to be able to respect money, be genuine in your nature, let the chains of society programming on you to buy material fall off and be indifferent towards all of it.


Money is nothing more than an opportunity at freedom, freedom to do what you want, when you want and how you want to do it.


I hope reading this, you’re able to comprehend what I am saying, otherwise, money will run your life – forever.


Anyway, this is just a bit of a backstory on me, where I come from, mistakes I’ve made, successes I’ve had, all of which has led me to be who I am today, and able to produce the results you’ll see tracked in the Discord community for Ghost Traders FX.


Genuinely hope you find success in your journey, whether it’s with me, on your own, or somewhere else.




Best wishes,



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    Ghost makes himself available every single trading day, all day, without any exceptions to be present for all members questions.

  • FX Trade Setups

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  • GTFX Playbook

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  • Content Library

    To accompany the GTFX Playbook, Ghost provides his paid members access to his Content Library, with associated videos & quizzes for each section of the Playbook enabling more detailed breakdowns.

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